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New Dive Site for Next Season: Mini Mount
Pinnacle diving in Sulawesi will jump another notch in November when Miguel?s Diving opens Mini Mount dive site. In March we discovered its existence after hearing reports from local fishermen. Adjacent to our popular Alleyways dive site, this large pinnacle rises from deep water and is separated from the main wall by a sand channel. Barracuda, unicornfish, and Spanish mackerelare easily seen here. Blue ribbon eels like its shallow slopes. The pinnacle?s ocean side drops vertically below safe diving limits. Dense schools of Ambon chromis (Chromis amboninensis) swarm the fields of branching Acropora that edge the mount?s channel side. The coral is in good condition and includes some huge cabbage coral colonies also found in Sulawesi?s Togian (Togean) Islands.
Miguel?s Diving staff has taken a few guests diving here recently since this pinnacle can be accessed from the beach some mornings before the winds begin to blow. Earlier this week Rich from Saigon toured the mount and was impressed by the numbers of fish. So was the dive master who suddenly found himself enveloped in a school of Spanish mackerel! Unique in Sulawesi diving is our multiple pinnacle dive site, Sentinels, also available when diving season reopens in November.
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