• Photo by Rantje Allen

  • Photo by William Tan

  • Photo by Rantje Allen

  • Photo by William Tan

  • Photo by Rantje Allen

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Category Archives: Marine Life

New clingfish species thrives in Gorontalo

New clingfish species thrives in Gorontalo’s biologically rich waters. Unlike the usual Crinoid clingfish, the new species lacks the central stripe down its head and dorsal fin. Crinoid clingfish Careful divers can search for clingfish in the central areas of certain crinoids. Crinoids are also called feather stars. Clingfish prefer Comanthus bennetti for hosts. TheContinue Reading

Hairy frogfish video

Hairy frogfish video makes for compelling watching, especially one in which the fish actively lures potential prey. This video from Gorontalo shows a Hairy frogfish doing exactly that. Striated or Hairy? The scientific name of the fish in the Hairy frogfish video is Antennarius striatus. As such, it is commonly called Striated frogfish. This particularContinue Reading

Thysanoteuthis rhombus egg masses

Thysanoteuthis rhombus egg masses are rarely seen. However, one of them drifted near Miguel’s Diving speed boat during a surface interval. It looked like a giant pink and transparent version of a child’s slinky toy. Thysanoteuthis rhombus egg masses Mysterious koupit-pilulky.com , deep water squids lay eggs in spirals. A gelatinous case holds the longContinue Reading

Melibe viridis video from Gorontalo

Melibe viridis is a highly unusual nudibranch found throughout the Indo-Pacific region. It uses an oral hood like a net to capture live prey to eat. A Camouflaged and Cumbersome Nudibranch Imagine the surprise of divers to see a brownish mass twisting in the current over a muck diving site! That turned out to beContinue Reading

Acanthosphex leurynnis Discovered in Gorontalo

Acanthosphex leurynnis, a rarely seen type of waspfish, recently made an appearance in Gorontalo. Surprising Find: Acanthosphex leurynnis During a great muck dive in February 2018, one of our guests discovered an unusual fish. Initially, Miguel’s Diving staff assumed it was a juvenile Cockatoo waspfish, which is often seen at the Tambo’o Fish House DiveContinue Reading

Mappa Puffer Video

Mappa puffer are usually solitary and wary of divers. One day, however, guests of Miguel’s Diving found one that was too busy eating to care that divers approached for a rare Kup Lasix bez recepty , up-close encounter. One Pufferfish, Many Names Miguel’s Diving staff call this fish Mappa puffer because its scientific name isContinue Reading

Pyrosome video debuts in Gorontalo

Pyrosome video that a guest of Miguel’s Diving shot receives many gasps and questions from those watching it. What is this creature? Pelagic, Colonial Tunicates Actually, the strange cone is a colony of Pyrosomes. They are colonial tunicates found floating in the open ocean. As such antibiotici-acquista.com , they are pelagic. They live and moveContinue Reading

Orca Video from Gorontalo, Indonesia

Orca video by one of Miguel’s Diving staff is now available for viewing. Orca Video from Gorontalo Waters off most dive sites in Gorontalo plunge to hundreds of meters. These deep waters bring large cetaceans close to land. Miguel’s Diving staff have discovered the ocean paths that large sea creatures use. For the first timeContinue Reading
