• Photo by Rantje Allen

  • Photo by William Tan

  • Photo by Rantje Allen

  • Photo by William Tan

  • Photo by Rantje Allen

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Tag Archives: diving pinnacle

Brilliant Diving on Sulawesi dive Pinnacle

Although Sulawesi is not known for its pinnacle dives, Gorontalo has multiple pinnacles available. Today, divers’ choices included wreck, wall, muck and pinnacle diving. Those who opted for the large Sulawesi dive pinnacle that we call Sunken Island enjoyed a brilliant dive. Visibility reached 20 meters, revealing the dense coral growth and clouds of anthias and chromis hovering over the pinnacle. Also sighted were Gold-spec jawfish

, Black nemos, a barracuda getting its teeth cleaned, a blue ribbon eel, schools of unicornfish, at least ten very large Tiger grouper, three Bumphead parrotfish, a large snapper, a Hawksbill turtle and a school of tuna.
