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Dive Magazine Praise for Gorontalo & Miguel’s Diving
One dive magazine after another gives critical acclaim for the diving found in Gorontalo.
What the Dive Magazine World Says about Diving in Gorontalo
“The fact that very few divers have ever set their fins on these pristine reefs means that there is an enormous wealth of rare marine critters waiting to be discovered here.” – William Tan, FiNS dive magazine, April 2004
“One of Sulawesi’s best-kept secrets, Gorontalo is capable of changing a diver’s itinerary from pelagic paradise to macro sensation at the flick of a fin.” – Jeffrey Loh, Asian Diver magazine, December-January 2005
“Gorontalo has some of the best (if not the BEST) hard coral colonies that Takako and I have encountered in our travels…In all of our countless dives around the world, we saw so much in Gorontalo that we had never seen before.” – Stephen Wong, What’s Happening magazine, March 2006
“X-traordinary Dive” – Takako Uno, Scuba Diver AustralAsia dive magazine, April 2006

“Indonesia’s Best Kept Secret” – William Tan, Asian Diver magazine, Jun/Jul 2006
“Daya tarik Gorontalo bagi penyelam adalah beranekaragamannya lingkungan laut, dari tebing-tebing karang yang menakjubkan sampai teluk-teluk kotoran yang sepi, dari bangkai-bangkai kapal yang misterius sampai tiang-tiang karang yang menjulang, dari gua-gua yang gelap sampai taman-taman karang dangkal yang bercahaya di bawah sinar matahari…Gorontalo bawah laut adalah sekeping surga.” – Rantje Allen, Garuda Inflight Magazine, August 2006
Field test location for Canon’s G11, Cult Camera Project – William Tan, Scuba Diver AustralAsia dive magazine, Issue 1/2010
“…world-class diving…(take) a look at its famous Salvador Dali sponges or a peek at its myriad endemic creatures.” – Sol Foo, Asian Diver Magazine, Issue 1/2010
“an underwater utopia deep inside the waters of Tomini Bay, which is waiting to be explored and admired.” – Suhodo Kartarahardja, Dive Discovery Magazine, April/May 2010
“With its wall diving world class…diving in Gorontalo at present is very enjoyable. Visibility is clear for dozens of meters and no groups of other divers.” – Christantiowati, National Geographic Traveler (Indonesia) , March 2011
“Dengan ciri khas ragam spons unik berukuran raksasa di hampir semua situs, dapat dipastikan Gorontalo akan menjadi destinasi selam baru kelas dunia.” – Suhodo Kartarahardja, Scuba Diver AustralAsia Indonesia dive magazine, Issue 1/2011
“The beauty of Gorontalo’s underwater world has long captivated international divers and has earned it the nickname, Indonesia’s best kept secret. This new province also offers hospitality a plenty, thanks to the earnest demeanor and smiles of its residents.” – Sari Widiati, Garuda In-flight Magazine, April 2011
“Those looking to visit an even less explored region of Sulawesi will find Gorontalo of great interest. The limestone cliffs here are prone to erosion, therefore swim-throughs, chimneys and caverns characterize much of the diving in Gorontalo. Adding to the variety there is great muck diving. Pinnacles and a couple of wrecks complete Gorontalo’s varied portfolio.” – Steve Jones, “Special K,” Dive Mag UK (on-line dive magazine), March 2012
“Et peu de plongeurs se sont deja aventures sur les recifs de la baie, qui sont pourtant splendides. Cheminees, grottes et tunnels caracterisent par ailleurs les plongees de la zone. Sur les parois, des eponges gigantesques se sont developpees.” – Editor, Plongee dive magazine, May 2012
“A plummeting seascape so close to land also has other benefits, providing a near-shore habitat for sessile species that would otherwise be vulnerable to shallow water wave action and therefore in the depths, they can survive. Descending past 20 meters, you enter the domain of the giant sponges, firmly gripping the porous limestone while the nutrient-rich currents wash over them.” – Steve Jones, “Surreal Shores,” Oceanographic, Issue 21: 2012
“My eyes were wide open and amazed at the beauty that lay in front of me, untouched coral reefs decorated by a rainbow of fishes and other marine lfe.” – Shelo Soedarjo, Tourism Magazine (Indonesia), Edisi 061 2012
“If we’re talking about character, Gorontalo water clearly has its own style. Besides Salvador Dali sponges and little caverns, many kinds of creatures can be seen here. However, there’s one fish that attracted my attention. Purple anthias spread all over the place, just like a metallic purple ribbon.” – @r_djangkaru, Divemag Indonesia, February 2013
“Di Gorontalo ada variasi hanging coral, cavern dan dua lokasi wreck dive. Visibility sampai 25 m. Hanya di perairan Gorontalo kita bisa menemukan Salvador Dali Sponge, sponge yang memiliki bentuk serta balutan ukiran khas dan unik.” – Rasanikta M. Seta, Sriwijaya In-flight magazine, March 2013
“…Salvador Dali sponge (Petrosia lignosa)…only grows with this intricate swirling surface pattern in Gorontalo waters, Sulawesi, Indonesia. These sponges can grow to up to three meters in length.” – Thomas J. Goreau, “New Hope for Asia’s Coral Reefs,” Asian Diver, Issue 2, 2014
“Barely beaten tracks are an increasingly rare find for travelers in this ever more accessible world. Yet on the shores of Tomini Bay on the Indonesian Island of Sulawesi, one such place still exists. Gorontalo.” – Steve Jones, Indonesia’s Gorontalo, X-Ray Magazine (on-line dive magazine), May 2014
“Altogether I took over 600 photos on this two-day dive trip. I would highly recommend a visit to Gorontalo if you … love exciting, thriving undersea life coupled with original Indonesian culture.” – Gregg Hollomon, The Savador Dali Quest, Indonesia Expat on-line magazine, July 2014

“Bukan hanya angin bebas polusi yang membuat bernapas menjadi lega dan rileks di Gorontalo, tapi juga pada waktu turun ke dalam taman lautnya, hati menjadi tenang. Melihat kepadatan terumbu karang dan biota lautnya yang menunjukkan bahwa lingkungan hidup di sini sangat sehat.” – Rantje Allen, “Menemukan Kedamaian di Gorontalo,” Scuba Diver AustralAsia Indonesia dive magazine, Issue 5/2014
“…siapa sangka, desa nelayan sederhana ini menyimpan ‘surga’ tersembunyi di bawah laut. Beberapa meter dari bibir pantai, hamparan karang berbagai rupa memanjakan mata.” Nita Dian, “Surga Bawah Laut Olele,” Koran Tempo, 4 Oktober 2015
“Indonesia Whale Shark Team has conducted research from April 12 – 30, 2016, and identified 17 individual males, a total which is expected to rise.” – Gorontalo Botubarani, Scuba Diver Ocean Planet Magazine 2/2016
“Hier taucht man überwiegend in ruhigen Gewässern an Steilwänden. Die Unterwasserwelt hier beeindruckt mit inzigartigen Schwämmen, die mitunter in surrealen Formen und Farben vor der Maske auftauchen. Zu ihnen gesellen sich Softkorallen, Überhänge und unzählige maritime Lebensformen – beeindruckend. Bei unserem Tauchgang hatten wir das Glück, das Laichen eines Puffer-Fischschwarmes erleben zu dürfen, was nur ein bis zweimal im Jahr passiert und nur von sehr wenigen Tauchern jemals beobachtet wurde.” – Imran Ahmad, “Sulawesis Unbekannte Seiten,” Unterwasser, 3/17

“Hiu paus yang muncul di Perairan Botubarani masih juvenil atau belum dewasa. Lalu, di mana hiu paus betina dan yang telah dewasa? Itulah yang masih menjadi pertanyaan peneliti-peneliti dunia hingga saat ini.” – Mahardika Rizqi Himawan, “Hiu Paus di Botubarani, Gorontalo,” Scuba Diver Ocean Planet Magazine Indonesian Edition 2/2017
Gorontalo – best dive location to see sponges, Editor, Scuba Diver Ocean Planet Magazine Indonesia Edition 2/2017
“Among Gorontalo’s healthy sponge population, a phenomenon has occurred that illustrates perfectly how local conditions can influence evolution. The sponge in question is Petrosia lignosa, a species found only in Sulawesi and the Philippines and in Gorontalo waters it grows with an intricate, deep swirling pattern etched on its surface, which so far has only been observed here.” – Steve Jones, “Secret Shores of Gorontalo,” EZDive Magazine, June 2017
“Gorontalo hat aber noch viel mehr zu bieten. Das Gebiet umfasst knapp 40 Tauchplätze. Von Muck über Wracks, Höhlen und Steilwände variieren die Spots. Wahrhaft ein kleines, verstecktes Paradies. In der Hauptsaison von November bis April sind Sichtweiten von über 30 Meter keine Seltenheit. Die Teddybär-Krabbe und die surreal anmutenden Salvador Dali-Schwämme kommen nur hier vor.” – Patrick Neumann, “9 ½ Wochen,” Unterwasser, 9/17
“Di kedalaman 2 meter saja, Citilinkers sudah bisa menikmati keindahan dari panorama bawah laut dengan snorkeling di permukaan. Namun jika kurang puas, diving adalah pilihan pas untuk menikmati lebih banyak lagi suguhan keindahan bawah laut Olele.” – Menyelami Pesona Bawah Laut Olele, Citilink In-flight Magazine, August 2018
“Salvador Dali sponge off Gorontalo…nothing short of mind bending” – Scuba Diving Magazine, August 2019
“The waters off Gorontalo are home to surreal creatures: rock hard sponges with unusual patterns and shapes – named after the world-famous surrealist Spanish painter.” – Steve Jones, Heinz Online Magazine #16, August 2019
“Barely beaten tracks are an increasingly rare find for travellers in this ever more accessible world. Yet on the shores of Tomini Bay on the Indonesian Island of Sulawesi, one such place still exists. Here the lesser explored waters teem with the intensity of the biodiversity found in this part of the world. The name of this place is Gorontalo, an oasis often bypassed as visitors descend on the world famous destinations of Bunaken and Lembeh Strait further up the Sulawesian coastline.” – Steve Jones, DIVER magazine, Spring 2020