• Photo by Rantje Allen

  • Photo by William Tan

  • Photo by Rantje Allen

  • Photo by William Tan

  • Photo by Rantje Allen

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Newest Endemic: Blue belly blenny

Blue belly blenny (RA)Miguel’s Diving is pleased to announcement another confirmed endemic species in our area. The Blue belly blenny (Escenius caeruliventris) was only described scientifically by Springer and Allen in 2004 after it was first discovered in Tomini Bay, Sulawesi, where Miguel’s Diving operates. Only this past dive season have we noticed this cute little fish, finding it in three widely separated dive sites. Several of our guests have been able to photograph it. Easily recognized by its dark blue belly, this blenny also has double white lines on its eyes. Please click the thumbnail to see a larger picture. Surely you can take a better photo. Ready to come to Gorontalo and try?

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