• Photo by Rantje Allen

  • Photo by William Tan

  • Photo by Rantje Allen

  • Photo by William Tan

  • Photo by Rantje Allen

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Category Archives: Marine Life

Fin whale startles crew

Fin whale surfaced right next to one of our staff while he was fishing for yellowfin tuna. Tomini Bay where we dive is over four kilometers deep. So, large cetaceans are part of the marine environment in Gorontalo. Surprise Encounter Boka, one of Miguel’s Diving dive masters, headed to deep waters offshore. On his dayContinue Reading

Yellow lace coral lives deep down

Yellow lace coral thrives below thirty meters in Gorontalo. Its bold honey-lemon hue adds distinctive color to deep reefs where ambient light is low. Not a Reef Building Coral Although they have some similarities, lace corals are not fire corals. Millepora fire coral species have symbiotic algae living inside their tissues. These algae contribute nutrientsContinue Reading

Arothron caeruleopunctatus pufferfish hiding in plain sight

Arothron caeruleopunctatus is a large pufferfish that hid in plain sight until a Japanese researcher named it in 1994. Not the Other Blue-spotted Puffer Scientific names are always best to identify marine life. Although the name of the large puffer Arothron caeruleopunctatus means “blue-spotted,” another small pufferfish is often called the Blue-spotted puffer. That fishContinue Reading

Banded Amphiscolops flatworms throw a party

Banded Amphiscolops flatworms are an undescribed species and rarely seen. However, during a check dive in Gorontalo, divers encountered dozens of them. It’s a Party Miguel’s Diving staff has encountered this rare marine creature less than five times over the two decades we have dived Gorontalo’s biodiverse waters. In previous encounters, only three to fiveContinue Reading

Ecsenius yaeyamaensis scatters in Gorontalo

Ecsenius yaeyamaensis, or the Yaeyama combtooth blenny, lives in only a few dive sites in Gorontalo. Miguel’s Diving staff know where to show divers this delightful fish. How to identify Ecsenius yaeyamaensis The best way to determine if a pale combtooth blenny is E. yaeyamaensis is to check for a black chin strap. Then lookContinue Reading

Polydorella spionid worms whip their food

Polydorella spionid worms crowded the upper surface of a sponge. Their feeding activity caught the attention of a Miguel’s Diving staff. Since they are super tiny, the sponge seemed to be covered by wiggling hairs. A Mystery Solved With such rich marine life, the reefs of Gorontalo are truly a hidden paradise. Despite operating sinceContinue Reading

Blacksaddle filefish mimics a toxic toby

Blacksaddle fishfish is a cute, tropical fish found occasionally throughout Gorontalo’s coral reefs. However, its saddle patterning closely resembles a toxic pufferfish. Batesian Mimicry A natural phenomenon where a harmless species mimics a harmful one is Batesian Mimicry. It gets its name from Henry Bates. He was a nineteen century English naturalist. He first detectedContinue Reading

Sculptured Slipper lobster in Gorontalo

Sculptured Slipper lobster live in the coral rich reefs of Gorontalo, Indonesia’s hidden paradise. However, divers rarely see this crustacean because it is nocturnal. The Sculptured Slipper lobster at a Glance   The Sculptured Slipper lobster has a distinctive appearance. Its body is flat like slipper. Also kamagra pills gowallet buyantibiotics.space deutschland doxycycline , itContinue Reading
