• Photo by Rantje Allen

  • Photo by William Tan

  • Photo by Rantje Allen

  • Photo by William Tan

  • Photo by Rantje Allen

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Author Archives: Miguel's Diving

Sculptured Slipper lobster in Gorontalo

Sculptured Slipper lobster live in the coral rich reefs of Gorontalo, Indonesia’s hidden paradise. However, divers rarely see this crustacean because it is nocturnal. The Sculptured Slipper lobster at a Glance   The Sculptured Slipper lobster has a distinctive appearance. Its body is flat like slipper. Also kamagra pills gowallet buyantibiotics.space deutschland doxycycline , itContinue Reading

Bodianus dictynna thrives in Gorontalo

Bodianus dictynna is commonly found in Gorontalo’s coral rich reefs. This species was scientifically described in 2006. Since it is only found in the Pacific Ocean, the common name is Pacific Diana hogfish. One Goddess, Two Species For decades, divers and fish enthusiasts thought that there was only a single species of Diana hogfish. However,Continue Reading

Entoprocta on solitary tunicates in Gorontalo

Entroprocta is a division of extremely small aquatic animals that mostly live in colonies. Their body shapes look like tasseled tulips on long stalks. Miguel’s Diving staff often find them. A Speckled, White Halo   In Gorontalo Prednisolon tabletten Rezeptfrei kaufen , Miguel’s Diving staff see colonies of Entoprocta growing on the surface of certainContinue Reading

Green turtle pays a visit to Gorontalo reefs

Green turtle is a species only occasionally seen along Gorontalo’s dense coral reefs. Adult green turtles are strictly vegetarian and so live near sea grass flats. Those seen at Gorontalo dive sites are migrating between sea grass areas in western Gorontalo to those in North Sulawesi Province. Divers will usually see Hawksbill turtles here. GreenContinue Reading

Covid vaccination complete for Miguel’s Diving staff

Covid vaccination is complete for all Miguel’s Diving staff. Our local dive masters completed both doses of Sinovac by mid-2021. Ministry of Health Covid Vaccination Program Organization for the covid vaccination program in Gorontalo was very professional. Health care workers registered residents according to national identity card. Results were sent to each person’s cell phone.Continue Reading

Jungle trekking in Gorontalo leads to hot spring caves

Jungle trekking in Gorontalo is a great addition to a diving holiday. Any easy-to-access half day trip leads through primary jungle to caves formed by hot springs. Bogani Nani Wartabone National Park Gorontalo and North Sulawesi provinces contain a significant national park. Its new name is Bogani Nani Wartabone. Previously, its name was Dumoga BoneContinue Reading

Cuvier’s beaked whales dive deep off Gorontalo

Cuvier’s beaked whales often swim past locals fishing for Yellowfin tuna. Known for their diving ability, this medium-sized whale loves Gorontalo’s four-kilometer-deep waters. A Pair of Cuvier’s Beaked Whales Caught on Video Since Miguel’s Diving staff are all local fishermen, they will often take their small outrigger canoes into the deep ocean. There, they willContinue Reading

Zosterops chloris nests at Miguel’s Diving dive center

Zosterops chloris is a small lemon colored bird with a beautiful ring of tiny white feathers around its eyes. Commonly called Lemon-bellied white-eye, it is endemic to Indonesia. Here its name is burung katamata laut. Regular Nesters in Miguel’s Diving Green Zone At our dive center, we seek to maintain green zones, even though ourContinue Reading

Healthy Coral Growth Evident in Gorontalo’s Reefs

Healthy coral growth is a notable characteristic of Gorontalo’s pristine reefs. Hard corals, known as scleractinians, dominate the marine environment here. Situated in the center of the Indo-Pacific’s Coral Triangle, Gorontalo displays highly diverse and dense corals.   Diverse Acropora coral colonies One genus of Gorontalo’s hard corals is Acropora. Acropora coral colonies can formContinue Reading

Reticulated puffers delight divers in Gorontalo

Reticulated puffer is a clumsy, clownish swimmer that delights divers who chance to see it. This puffer lives throughout the Indo-Pacific tropics Buy Cialis Professional UK , including Gorontalo. A Distinctive Network of Lines The scientific name for this fish is Arothron reticularis, which is a fitting name. Reticulated means arranged like a net orContinue Reading
